Friday, April 10, 2009

Tips to clean air conditioners

1 To clean the a/c, initially unplug the unit and remove it from the windows space,Then the first thing you need to do is clean the coils and filter.

2 Then remove the air inlet grill and then the filter to clean it.

3 wash off the filter completely so that no dirt is prevailing if it is very dirty and seems impossible to clean,then replace it with a disposable filter.

4 the washing part is now done,so next pick a soft brush and clean the fins tucked inside the coils.

5 last but not the least dont forget to spray water through the fins from the fan side but make sure you have covered the wiring and motor to prevent any damage.

now you are done with all the cleaning and servicing of a/c.the above steps have increased the life of your a/c. so now enjoyyyyy the cool breeze and have fun!!

1 comment:

  1. One of the parts of your home that needs good cleaning is your AC. Since it is responsible for maintaining temperature, the presence of dust particles is possible. That is why it is really important that you find time to clean your AC.

    Clarice Fullington
